Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

Advancing Military Medicine

Compositions and Methods for Producing Protein Vaccines and Therapeutics - (HJF 165-07)

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A technology related to compositions and methods for making protein vaccines or therapeutics is available for licensing from the Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF).

This invention provides a novel composition that, when cellular extracts or whole cells are irradiated, protects cellular protein structure and function while DNA molecules are broken down. Therefore, it offers a unique advantage for making protein vaccines or therapeutics, using cellular extracts or whole cells, with preserved protein functions without concerns of possible genomic or genetic effect.

Applications and Advantages

  • Novel composition for producing protein vaccines or therapeutics
  • Rapid turnaround time suitable for swift reaction to clinical needs

Innovation Description

The invention is based on a discovery that D. radiodurans ultra-purified, protein free-cell extracts are extremely radioprotective of proteins exposed to gamma-radiation. Further analysis identified specific components- amino acid containing extract of D. radiodurans in combination with purines and Mn antioxidants, that are responsible for the protective effect on proteins in cells subjected to high dose of radiation (>10,000 Gy). At these levels of radiation, DNA molecules are broken down, leaving no intact genetic material in the product.

Fig. 1 Radioprotection of protein enzymatic activity in presence of proposed composition


  • Michael Daly, Ph.D. Uniformed Services University for Health Sciences
  • Elena Gaidamakova, Ph.D. Henry M. Jackson Foundation

Intellectual Property Status

Seventeen patents have been issued in the U.S., Australia, Brazil, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, India, and Japan.

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
T. Allen Morris
Senior Director
The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
Michael Daly
Elena Gaidamakova
Vera Matrosova
Rodney Levine
Nancy Wehr
Sandip Datta
Ian Myles
Cedar Fowler
Patricia Valdez