Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

Advancing Military Medicine

Search Results - spreading+factors

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Compositions and Methods for Reducing Local and Systemic Risks of Venom - (HJF 467-17)
Envenomation is the process of venom being injected through a bite or a sting, by a variety of sources such as snakes, wasps, jelly fish, scorpions, spiders etc. Administering an antivenom is the most effective treatment option. However, access to treatment and affordability is a challenge, especially in rural areas that have high incidence rates. A...
Published: 5/6/2024   |   Updated: 3/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Angela Jockheck-Clark
Keywords(s): Antivenom, Envenomation, Spreading Factors, Venom
Category(s): Therapeutic