Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

Advancing Military Medicine

Search Results - hair+follicle+neogenesis

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Fully Human Skin Substitute with True Human Hair Follicle Neogenesis - (HJF 220-09)
Human skin substitutes available today have varied compositions but generally comprise a nonliving collagen matrix and different combinations of keratinocytes and fibroblasts. However, currently available skin substitutes cannot perform all the functions of normal skin. For example, hair follicle (HF) neogenesis is not observed using any currently available...
Published: 5/6/2024   |   Updated: 6/28/2022   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Darling, Shaowei Li, Rajesh Thangapazham
Keywords(s): Hair Follicle Neogenesis, Human Skin Substitute
Category(s): Research Tool, Therapeutic