Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

Advancing Military Medicine

Search Results - trauma

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Layperson Audiovisual Tourniquet (LAVA TQ) - (HJF 629-22)
A multi-disciplinary team of experts have developed a user-friendly, audiovisual-enabled limb tourniquet that greatly improves the likelihood of correct application by the public. A correctly applied limb tourniquet can save the lives of people with severe injury. A series of studies have shown that conventional tourniquets on the market today are not...
Published: 10/29/2024   |   Updated: 3/10/2023   |   Inventor(s): Craig Goolsby, Jim Murphy, Curt Kothera
Keywords(s): Bleeding, Emergency, First Aid, Hemorrhage, Stop the Bleed, Tourniquet, Trauma, User-Friendly
Category(s): Medical Devices